Thursday, October 21, 2010

Passion and Dogma and Tracts

What if all we ever needed were right in front of us?
What if what our hearts yearned for was right out in the front lawn-
at the Walt-Mart
dusting in our garage?

We need to learn to see with spiritual eyes-
or not at all.

Words say too much sometimes-
passion and dogma and tracts-
church services and Mon-Fri jobs...

We cry out- is this all?
is this it?

The people we need to help are right there.
The far away places are just down the street.
The tools sit on our desks already

It's our towns that need help where they're at.
It's our churches that need us.
It's our wives that need love-
our hearts that need to follow God
into the great unknown outside our front doors.

That's where we'll find God after all-
not in dusty theology books
or crowded choirs-
but in the back pews
- through the eyes of God

there are no more deserts of blase existence
-We are here, now, exactly for a time such as this.

God bless-


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