Saturday, July 9, 2011


SpeakEasy radio tonight: Malice.

I wanted to get to the root of what makes me cringe about the church- especially when it comes into inter-leadership politics. If you're like me, you've probably noticed that nearly all of the problems begin when someone decides they don't like someone. When they take that dislike and let it grow in them, they usually end up spilling it around on other people, with the specific intent to harm the one they dislike. I think it's when we begin to actively wish someone harm and seek ways to act it out, that we see destruction and cruelty enter the scene. In a grand reversal, we see that Malice is inherently wanting and acting upon the absolute worst for someone, exactly as we see it, mirroring our wills upon them.

When we start to see people not only acting out malice, but believing that they are right to do so, and then choosing to interpret the situations of life through that twisted lens, that we see the monstrosities of Insanity, true Horror, Hate, Evil and deep Sorrow. It's an act of the will, initially, in sealing up our senses against shame and/or pride, instead of accepting wrongs, or simply dealing with the situations at hand. I think it's when we allow the small candle flame problems to escalate into raging wild fires that we can appreciate just how much potential power a single cup of cold water, aptly poured, can do. That's why it's so important to work at dousing the candle-sized problems in our hearts, and doing what we can for others, so we can narrow the infernos down to only those that remain. If we remain unaware (purposefully or just by accident) of what is happening all around us, or inside of us, and how we feel in response- or what we think we deserve because of it, we are creating in us a monster.

As usual, it's just something to think about...


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