Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gas Stations, Jesus, and Sleep Apnea

Hello everyone!

It's Ryan again...
I've been thinking hard on what to post next, because time and access to the internet is a bit scarce for me right now. You are so important, and your comments and time here really mean the world to me. Thank you for your own gifts to me. I think that's sort of the topic i want to hit on today. That what really matters, what true Religion/ministry really is... is people. Not fancy or done up- not any specific event or special building...
This is were all this is coming from... you see, not long ago, I moved from Albuquerque, NM to Hannibal, MO... that might not mean much to people who havent ever been to either place or even to the US... but it blows my mind that they really are two different worlds... where everything from how we live out our faith to how we interact with each other is as separate as night and day. Personally, it's taken a big toll on me, too. I walked away from a different life- one full of bright lights, money and lots of ego. It took me some time to realize that what it takes for me, right now, to live that isnt who i want to be... and also not who God wants me to be either... I dont know what the final product looks like, or where this whole crazy, confusing thing called life is headed for me, but what im really learning is that what is really valuable is learning to live a life with a completely different mind set. It's just like when Jesus was talking about anyone wanting to save his life has to loose it. I read that little phrase a million times, but never actually had to live it.

It's a hard line to walk right now... it feels like im doing everything right, but still barely paying the bills. Like I have all the spiritual experience and muscles of Albuquerque, of absolutely no use here in Hannibal... here I am less than regular... just odd and working long hours at a gas station and coffee shop. Normal, powerless, and dead tired more often than not... God works in weakness... in our midnight hours, here he is, just as much God as he is when the noon sun is shining.

Thanks everyone


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