An update for the world-
So, recently i was asked to be Payson Christian Church's pastor
which is awesome!
it's a challenge on many levels-
I've never done anything like this before,
at most only guest preached, but it's different now that i have successive Sundays in which to preach. On one hand, all the topical freedom is awesome- but on the other I feel a bit like Im drowning in it, too. I know things will find their rhythm soon- just like creative writing, the hardest part is always the beginning for me, and I just need to start. I want to say thank you to everyone who has and is influencing me along The Way- every little (and big) thought, encouragement, word, experience, action and challenge. Thank you. Tuesday is my church work day, and I can feel the day already dragging on- and even though I know that every day is God's, and so I ought not try to be so possessive of the minutes inside I feel already behind. There's so much to be done- so please pray for us. The feel of fall is coming on now, with the weather cooler, and it's an overwhelming feeling of change surging through existence. Like a new chapter for everyone is slowly syncing across the universe- new things in the breeze- God is up to something exciting and new, and if you get the feeling, if you're in the circumstances, dont be afraid to commit to them- jump in and run with it. God knows the very best for us- above and beyond our preferences, and that is something to become one with. Until we are nothing, our wills gone- replaced with Jesus' glorious freedom and purpose, instead. If nothing else, hold on the hope, the promise, that God is with you now, working with you- trust him from the very core of your being and he'll lift you up at just the right moment- with intricate little workings of a grand symphony of love for you.
Just wait, you'll see...
(feel free to 'like' Payson Christian Church on good 'ol Facebook any time)
Like what you read? Join in with your own insights, stories and art- send them to Thanks and God bless -Ryan
You are so right Ryan! God's timing is so perfect! We don't always get to see the whole picture right away but if we wait on Him He will create the masterpiece!