Get ready for a long read- first is a re-posting of an article with appeared in the NY Times- give it a read and then I'll have my angst response afterwards...
Like what you read? Join in with your own insights, stories and art- send them to Thanks and God bless -Ryan
couple of comments from a younger Christian and pastor (please take
them as constructive criticism): First off, I highly recommend the Barna
Institute book You Lost Me- which directly tackles (with high quality
research) most of the ire and disillusionment
you seem to be voicing. Secondly- it seems like you are only blaming
younger Christians, which I think is not only unfair but also
hypocritical. Many, including myself are convinced that the traditional
evangelical church we grew up in not only failed us with the real world
we grew up in, but continues to fail to even understand the language of
the issues at hand. The older church has fallen out of the modern story
because it no longer speaks the language of the culture it is apart of.
Next, what do you mean exactly by the term 'losing'? Is this a game? The
last time Christians had complete control of government we had people
burned alive at the stake as heretics and witches; the inquisition and
the crusades. Im not saying Christians should not have a voice in their
governments- actually, we all serve as a political counterweight.
Democracy, anciently, is designed produce wizened compromise out of two
radically differing opinions. Continuing on, your comments about how
young people dont tithe to their churches- a couple of things: one,
churches still have this cultural assumption that if you only open your
doors people morally ought to come. Look around. Do you see this as true
any more?? Also, I am highly offended, because young people give their
time- everywhere- to so many Godly projects which dont count rote
amounts to holiness. Tell me, which does God value more? The number of
dollars given, or the heart of the person giving what they have? In a
similar vein, your article appears to equate high church attendance with
success... Continuing on, are older Christians just now figuring out
about new technologies?? If given a list of 'new technologies', would
you really list items like 'TV' and 'Radio'... REALLY? What about Ipads
and swatches, Twitter and links and aps? What, did those not make your
list? Your article also appears to assume that the encouragement of
intelligent thought is at odds with the Great Commission. Since when was
God too small to handle hard questions? Your article seems to also
assume the equation of political muscle with electing favorable (only?)
Republican candidates. Ultimately, I feel your portrayal of older
Christians as societal victims as well as an air of injured
self-righteousness seems to fit the modern stereotypes rather well.
Where was the listening ear when young people needed it? Where was the
understanding when we hit hard times? Where was Jesus when you closed
your church doors for service?
Like what you read? Join in with your own insights, stories and art- send them to Thanks and God bless -Ryan
angsty yet thought provoking and as I see it deserving accurate response. The church needs honest examination, because its alienating the same people that grew up inside it.