Thursday, February 17, 2011

Under the Sun

The Lord is good, even if things dont make perfect sense right now.

That's what I keep learning over and over (and over) again these days.
I recently read a story about a man who had a dream during tough times

(it goes something like this)
In the dream there was a bright, beautiful field.
There, it was filled with all sorts of people milling about.
At the center, a man sat-
and with endless patience, he was calmly and lovingly explaining
why everything in the dreamer's life had to happen the way it did-
the big and the small
the high and the low
And every last bit made so much sense,
the dreamer was astounded.
Perhaps there really is
a time
and a season for everything-
and a reason for every old thing under the sun.

When the Dreamer awoke,
he desperately tried to remember the reasons,
but could not.
But the lingering memory remained.
That perhaps it is not simply a rat-race
or a hedonist's paradise
which rules the fading of each day,
but something greater-
something synomymous with Love
perfect at every level
which holds us dearer
than we dare imagine
or properly comprehend.

That we need not plumb the depths of love
in order to
be loved.
Only feel the warmth of His embrace
in our lives
like the warmth of the sun on our face.


Like what you read? Want it live at your Church, Christian Camp or Youth Group? - please let Ryan know- I'd love to! Please email to Thanks and God bless -Ryan

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